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Skerryvore Ratepayers Association

Rock Lighthouse
                                          Links to Other Cottage Related Sites                                          

Updated 22/02/2017 - Updated links and deleted obsolete links, please notify us if one of these links does not work

Note that these links are provided for your information. The Board of the Skerryvore Ratepayers Association does not nessessarily endorse organizations listed below.

The Building of The Skerryvore Road 1997 - This is a collection of photos taken during the construction of the Skerryvore Road. Captions on all photos will give you an idea of where the photos were taken. The Skerryvore Road was built in 1997 after more than 16 years of conflict over the road going through the Shawanaga Native Reserve. The Natives had closed the road for one winter and the Province had negotiated a temporary use of the native road until late April of 1997. The contractor was under the gun to complete the road so that residents could get access to their cottages and homes. There was no road access to Skerryvore after the agreement expired. People were able to come into Skerryvore using the Chippewa cruise ship until the road opened on June 27, 1997. The photos were taken by Tom Arnold and access to the road during construction was via snowmobile, ATV or walking into the various locations.

Post Cards of Skerryvore and Pointe au Baril - (updated 06/23/2013) This is a collection of Post Cards from the Skerryvore and Point au Baril area. Cards show the various hotels and scenic sights in our area. The back side of some cards are shown to give you an idea of the topics of the time, especially on the older cards. Many cards are 100 years old. New cards are added from time to time.

Pointe-au-Baril.com Website - Pointe-au-Baril.com is a collation of entertaining, educational and useful sources of information for lovers of Pointe-au-Baril and the Georgian Bay.

Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve - The Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve is a private non-profit organization working to protect and enhance the natural and cultural resources of Eastern Georgian Bay through environmental stewardship, community education and sustainable development activities. Recognized by UNESCO as a world Biosphere Reserve, this ecologically unique region contains the world’s largest freshwater archipelago and is home to a diverse range of plant and animal species. Focusing on sustainable community development and the conservation of biodiversity, the Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve is committed to balancing the needs and aspirations of communities with those of the surrounding ecosystem, for a healthy and sustainable Georgian Bay.

Georgian Bay Association - The GBA represents more than 4,200 families on Georgian Bay - SRA is an Associate member of GBA.

Township of The Archipelago - The Township of the Archipelago is the governing body for the village of Skerryvore. Visit this site for news and information pertaining to your township, it's staff, bylaws and your elected council.

The township also has an Interactive Mapping Application that will allow you to see an aerial view of your property with lot lines and streets overlaid on the image. You must use Microsoft Internet Explorer to use this application.

Point au Baril Islanders' Association - The Islanders' Association is a group of over 600 families who either live or vacation in the Pointe au Baril area within the 30,000 islands of Georgian Bay, Ontario,Canada.

Georgian Bay Land Trust - The Georgian Bay Land Trust is a not-for-profit registered charity whose mission is to preserve the unique archipelago and the adjacent water bodies that lie along the eastern shore and North Channel of Georgian Bay that are of ecological, geological and historical importance, and to promote the appreciation of this special area.

Georgian Bay Forever - Georgian Bay Forever is a voluntary community response to the growing need for major research and education projects to sustain the Georgian Bay aquatic ecosystem and the quality of life its communities and visitors enjoy.

Sierra Club Canada - Sierra Club Canada has been active in Canada since 1963, originally as chapters within the U.S.-based Sierra Club. Its national office opened in 1989, and in 1992, Sierra Club Canada incorproated to create a truly national presence.

Quit smoking - Quit Smoking Community is a virtual community that offers support and information for those trying to kick the deadliest habit in the world.

Ministry of Natural Resources Bear Wise - The Ministry of Natural Resources is committed to reducing preventable causes of human-bear conflict in Ontario. The Bear Wise Program teaches people about black bears as well as things they can do to keep bears away from urban and semi urban areas. They work with community leaders to establish local prevention programs. They offer many education and awareness products including a website. They provide a bear information and reporting line. They work in partnership with police to respond to human-bear incidents.

International Upper Great Lakes Study - The International Joint Commission appointed the International Upper Great Lakes Study Board in February 2007 to examine whether the regulation of Lake Superior outflows can be improved to address the evolving needs of the upper Great Lakes. The study area includes lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron and Erie, and their interconnecting channels (St. Mary's River, St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair, Detroit River and Niagara River), up to Niagara Falls.

Environment Canada - Environment Canada's mandate is to preserve and enhance the quality of the natural environment; conserve Canada's renewable resources; conserve and protect Canada's water resources; forecast weather and environmental change; enforce rules relating to boundary waters; and coordinate environmental policies and programs for the federal government.

Federation of Ontario Cottager's Association - FOCA is a non-profit, voluntary organization serving as an information centre, providing assistance and leadership to Ontario's cottage associations and their members.

Water Levels on The Great lakes - This site gives you all the water level information that you will want including current levels and forcasted levels.

US Army Corp of Engineers - This is an excellent site to give you information about water levels, ice coverage, snowfall coverage, precipitation forecasts, historical data and other information about the great lakes. One of the best sites that I have found.

Cottage Life Magazine - Great cottage related articles, ideas and products.

Parry Sound North Star - Local News both the North Star and the Beacon Star.

Payne Marine in Pointe au Baril - This site has a web cam that allows you to see actual weather and snow conditions during daylight hours. Click on the "Web Cam" icon once you are into the site.

Desmasdons Boatworks Pointe au Baril - This site also has a web cam that allows you to see actual conditions during daylight hours. Click on the "Web Cam" in the menu.

Mainguy Family - This is an interesting site as the family spent many years in the Skerryvore Area, specifically at the Skerryvore Hotel. You will have to select "Nostalgia" from the menu and then "Georgian Bay 1" to read this fine history of the family in our area.

A Collection of Aerial Photographs of Skerryvore & Area - This is a collection photgraphs of Skerryvore from the air, many that were taken by Russ Bateman of Hunter's Island. New photos will be added from time to time.

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Skerryvore Ratepayers Association
5 Tamarack Drive, Nobel, Ontario, Canada POG 1G0
Skerryvore Ratepayers Association